Computed Tomography (CT) Scanning
CAT Scans in Central Utah
CT Scanning is one of the fastest and most convenient ways to get a detailed
look at the body’s soft tissue. Before CT Scanning, doctors would
have to cut patients open to view the body’s insides and look for
abnormalities. This noninvasive test significantly reduces the risk and
cost of diagnostic testing for patients. CT Scans are most often used
when there are indications of abnormalities on standard X-rays, or when
a patient is brought to the emergency room and needs a quick but comprehensive
imaging test.
What is a CT Scan?
IN a CT Scan, also known as computerized tomography, X-rays and computers
are used to create detailed images of the body’s organs and internal
structures. Image results are more clearly defined than those of standard
X-rays but still utilize safe, low dosage radiation. CT Scans are noninvasive
and often performed in an outpatient setting.
Your doctor may schedule a CT scan in order to diagnose:
- Tumors
- Cancer
- Organ damage
- Calcified arteries
- Stroke
- Back pain
- Internal organ infections
CT Scans are similar to
MRI in that both produce well-defined images of the body’s internal
structures. MRI, however, uses no radiation and the results are slightly
more detailed. However, MRIs also take longer and the exposure to loud
noise in a confined space for an extended period of time can be stressful
for patients. CT Scans are less expensive and can produce results more
quickly than MRI, making them the ideal choice in an emergency situation.
Call the Central Valley Medical Center imaging department at 435-623-3165
if you need more information about our CT Scanning service.